Annual Meeting Update

Carl Coburn President-Elect/Program Chair

WSWS Annual Meeting

March 10—13, 2025

The Westin Seattle

On behalf of the 2025 Program and Local Arrangements Committees, we look forward to seeing all of you at our upcoming annual meeting in Seattle to visit with colleagues, form new relationships, and engage with the latest research, strategies for teaching and outreach, and regulatory/policy issues.

We have a great venue, and as always, it is the people in attendance who make WSWS what it is! The meeting will commence with the welcome reception on the evening of Monday, March 10, 2025, and conclude Thursday, March 13, 2025. Meeting events and lodging are both at The Westin Seattle. The board of directors toured the facility during our summer meeting, and the meeting rooms should be well clustered to make moving across projects efficient. With the meeting in the downtown, there are numerous restaurant choices within walking distance of the hotel. Faculty, please encourage your students to participate in student oral presentation and/or poster contests as well as “Student Night Out” to network wit members from academia and industry.

March 10—13, 2025

The Westin Seattle

  1900 5th Avenue

Seattle, WA, 98101


  • Student Night Out
  • WSWS Members Welcome Reception
  • Business Breakfast Meeting & Student Awards
  • Student Luncheon & Student Reception (Students Only)


Hotel Website
  • The Westin Seattle 
  • Rates:
    • Traditional, Deluxe Suite, Luxury Suite: $249.00/night
    • Student: $199.00/night
    • Government: $176.00/night
  • Students: Code required for student rate.
    • Code: “WWSTUDENT”  
    • Limited spots available.  First come first serve.
  • Reservation Deadline: Friday, February 15, 2025


  • Title and Authors:  12/6/2024
  • Abstract:  2/15/2025
  • Presentation:  3/1/2025

Call For Papers and Posters

The 2025 Western Society of Weed Science (WSWS) Annual Meeting will take place March 10-13,  2025 in Seattle, Washington at The Westin Seattle. 

Title and abstract submission will open October 23, 2024. Deadline for title submission is December 1, 2024, but abstracts may be entered and revised any time through mid-February 2025. An important change for this year is the use of ConFex Event Management for title and abstract submission, which is expected to be aligned across national and regional weed sciences societies. The link for title and abstract submission will be provided in the coming weeks.

All attendees are invited and encouraged to participate by presenting at least one paper or poster, and multiple submissions are welcome. We will continue to have oral papers and posters divided into projects:

  • Weeds of Agronomic Crops
  • Basic Biology, Ecology, Technology
  • Weeds of Horticultural Crops
  • Teaching and Outreach
  • Regulatory and Policy
  • Weeds of Range, Forestry, and Natural Areas

Graduate and undergraduate students are strongly encouraged to enter the student paper and/or poster contests. 

Oral paper presentations will be scheduled every 15 minutes in concurrent sessions. Maintaining a timely schedule is important for those who need to move between sessions. Therefore, presentations of 12 to 13 minutes are recommended to allow time for questions and transition to the next presenter. WSWS Poster size should not exceed 42-inches by 42-inches.

Call for Symposia Proposals

Members of the WSWS are invited to submit proposals for symposia at the 78th Annual Meeting to be held at The Westin Seattle in Seattle, Washington, from March 10-13, 2025. The WSWS program committee will evaluate proposals based on justification and objectives, target audience, agenda, and budget. Submission of symposia of interest to WSWS or of interest to the local area is encouraged.

To submit a symposium proposal, please use the button below to access the WSWS SYMPOSIUM PROPOSAL FORM. Proposals can be e-mailed directly to Albert Adjesiwor ([email protected]). Symposium proposals are due July 31st and will be evaluated by the board for finalization in mid-August.

The program committee together with the WSWS Board of Directors may approve full or half-day symposia. An allowable budget of up to $2000 can support travel and lodging expenses for invited nonmember speakers (honoraria will not be paid), symposia materials, or refreshments. Although funds have been budgeted for the symposia, the goal is to spend the least amount necessary to obtain excellent symposia speakers.

Abstracts of symposium presentations will be included in the proceedings. Symposium organizers are responsible for ensuring the submission of titles and abstracts. We look forward to your symposia proposals. If you have any questions, please contact Albert Adjesiwor ([email protected]).

Silent Auction Donations

The Elena Sanchez Memorial WSWS Outstanding Student Scholarship Program is a unique opportunity offered through the Western Society of Weed Science. Student engagement is a priority for the society and students who are selected to receive this competitive scholarship are provided funding to participate at the annual meeting.

This scholarship is made possible through monetary donations and donated items sold at the silent auction that are provided by members who wish to support this program. Selected students have contributed to the discipline of weed science, have exemplary academic records, and have participated in extracurricular pursuits relevant to the society’s objectives.

Please donate an item or give a financial gift to the Silent Auction, to benefit the Elena Sanchez Memorial Scholarship.

Roland Schirman Memorial Donation

Long time WSWS member Roland Schirman passed away on March 22, 2024. Roland loved the farming community, working with young people and the people of SE Washington. He was heavily involved in multiple community organizations, held various leadership positions, and was recognized for his contribution up until his death. Roland was a student of life and thrived on education and helping others implement what he had learned. WSWS is proud to offer the opportunity to donate on his behalf that will be utilized for scholarship.  Please click the “Donate Now” button if you would like to contribute.

Roland Schirman Memorial Donation